Yes, we went to Busch Gardens!
We left Northern VA in a rain storm hoping the
weather would hold out further south just
long enough for us to enjoy one more day
at Busch Gardens before the move.
Katie is home for the summer after finishing her first year
at BYU. Kim is home for a little over a week before heading
back to UVU for the summer to work and workout with
her team. Marianne came home for a week to
visit Northern VA one more time before our big move.

As you can see Katie, Dad and Kimmie are super excited!
Regardless of Marianne's interesting look I think she was
very happy to be home one more time to visit her home
for many years. Do you see the Loch Ness Monster in the background?
This is at the beginning of the day when we were FULL of
energy and very excited for our day at the ParK!
Our lovely daughters all grown up!

Kimmie and her Daddy!
Can't have a day in the theme park without yummy
The twins looking mighty fine in front of the
Land of the DRAGONS.
Do you see THAT!
This is the newer ride the GRIFFON!
After climbing to 205 feet into the air,
the Griffon mercilessly eases you over the edge.
For a few seconds you dangle -STRAIGHT DOWN-at the
ground below as you're suspended above it.
Then down you plunge 90 degrees straight toward the ground
racing at speeds faster than 70 miles per hour!
It was a CRAZY RIDE!
Kata, Mars, Kimmers and Jen enjoy the day.
The girls used to play in the Land of the Dragons
for many an hour in their younger years.
The twins at it again!
Mom and Dad sat this one out. . . . the Alpengeist!

We all had to ride the Kinder Karussel.

. . . . and the Le Scoot.
We decided it was time to get a little wet!

And we succeeded . . . We got a little more than we thought!
So we go on more wet rides . . . the Roman Rapids and then . . .
Escape from Pompeli!
That's where the group got drenched!
We had a great day at the park. Tried to stay
a bit to long though and got caught up in a downpour of rain
and lightning! Had to walk to the car as the trams were not running
for a while because of the lightning I guess. All in all it was a great day!
It looks like you guys had a lot of fun!
Glad you had a fun day together in spite of the rain!
So when is moving day?
I love Busch Gardens' waffle cones!
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