Thursday, May 21, 2009

A Stud and A Babe (Brad & Katie)

Please Try Again!

I opened the link to the public because it wasn't working.

Try again now and let me know if you are getting it. Sorry about that. :(

This is pretty hilarious . . . they didn't have much time to practice it before their performance tonight, but it was funny. Hope you like it too. Katie is quite the actor. :)

An epic tale of two nerds, by chance crossing each other's path in a heart renching ballad. Enjoy!

Sunday, May 3, 2009

More Footloose To Come!

I hope to put up a few pictures etc. from Footloose over the next few days. Catch you later . . .

Footloose - Katie Singing 1st part

Please listen to Katie singing in her High School's Musical - Footloose.

This is part one!

Let Katie know what you think!

Footloose - Katie Singing

Please listen to Katie singing part 2 of the song in her High School's Musical - Footloose!

This part is the knock - out punch!

I'm sure she would love to hear if you enjoyed it!

Wish you all lived closer so that you could come to the show.